Tom's Page

In April, 2000 I had the honor of being on the
"Tiger Cruise 2000"
This was a three day cruise for father's of the crew on the USS Alaska.
For those who are not familiar, it is a nuclear sub. It was an exciting time and a proud time for me watching my son do his job and actually being a part of it. I am very proud to have been a part of it and very proud of my son. All the crew treated me like royalty and I would like to Thank each and everyone of them. I would also like to Thank the US Navy for allowing this special time with my son and the crew.

In this picture my son is presenting me with a special plaque of things signed off by the crew that I was allowed to do.

In this picture my son is pinning on the dolphins.
This was a great honor to receive because members of the crew have to work very hard to earn them!

This is an autographed picture of the USS Alaska signed by the Captain.
Thank You to my son for inviting me on this wonderful and exciting adventure!

Tom (Our Son) Tom's Page 2
Ella's Page Cindy's Page
Our Precious Granddaughter
